Watt/Puppies with SET or push-pull???

I've heard rumors that WPs are a bad match for SETs due to their impedence curves. Anyone tried this with good results, or bad results? Push-pull any better?

I'm moving from SS to tubes, and eventually new speakers (maybe Silverbacks). In the meantime, I have WPs (93dB sensitivity seems ok). Wondering what I'm up against with the WPs and tubes.

Probably Shindo SET (8 or 10W), but may do Shindo PP (25 or 40W). Thanks!
You don't specify which version of the WP you are looking at, but I'm pretty sure from the 5 on they all present a similar load. I have 5.1's and, like Lenny, use the ML 335. I tried a number of tube amps before I settled on the 335. Unless you go with a monster tube amp my experience is you'll do better with solid state. I agree with what was mentioned earlier, a strong suit of the WP is slam, dynamics and speed. The more current your amp will deliver, the better bass control you'll get.

Tubes can sound good with the WP, but in general solid state compliments the strengths of the WP a bit more.
I own the WP8's and drive them with the Conrad Johnson LPS70 tube amp that has 70 wpc. My room is 19 x 25 x 9 and I have no problem driving the WP's. I upgraded the CJ from a 400 wpc McIntosh SS amp. The CJ had more detail. I have never heard the WP's with a SET amp, however.
At 93 Db your WP's will work just fine with SET amps

FWIW, I drive my Wilson X-2's with Lamm ML 2.1's (18 wpc) and I can raise the SPL to near ear bleeding levels without the amp clipping. Previously I used ARC Ref 600 Mk lll's (push pull at 600 wpc) for my X-2's and as good as it was it didn't even come close to that which is delivered by the Lamm ML 2.1 which IMO is the best amp I have ever owned