Anyone audition the new Thiel 3.7s yet?

Their website says they are shipping and I'm assuming they are in dealer showrooms by now. Just wondering what impressions people have of these mythical wonders? Do they live up to the hype?
A friend has had a pair for about 6 weeks now and I spent around 4 hours listening to them a while back. I thought they sound terrific.
I've spent several hours with them. Very nice. If you do a search there is a thread comparing them with the CS7.2s.
They showed the 3.7 in Taipei hi-fi show. From the show goers, most were impressed by the sound and found them to be very coherent, fast, and transparent. Though not too many cared for the styling. I did not bother to spend time on 3.7, I will never buy a pair because of the styling.

To give you some references what were shown at Taipei hi-fi show, almost all of the big names were there. Wilson X-2 + Goldmund, JM Labs Grand Utopia Be, Avalon Isis + Hovland, Dynaudio Master Evidence + ARC Ref 610, MBL 101E, Burnmester, Rockport, Gryphon, and on and on.
By the way, I love the look of the 3.7, which is more impressive in the flesh than in photos. It's a real knockout IMO.