RMAF: My favorites, so-so's, and disappointments

Important caveat: These are my impressions from show condition setups. Some of the best sounding systems can sound like crap under show conditions with their tiny rooms, terrible AC, etc.
I chose these speakers because they moved me emotionally - my most important criteria. My favorates, starting from the best and going down the list.
1. Acapella Triolon Excaliber: The best sound at the show. Dynamics, nuance, imaging, staging, transparency, timbre, coherence, bass extension etc. were all there in spades. Coherence was first rate which is surprising given all the different types of drivers involved - ion tweeters, horns, and conventional cone subwoofer towers. They played a recording of a duet on Steinways that was just amazing - the weight of the pianos were very convincing. Big band music was alive and there with ripping brass section. Only $170k ;-). Oh, BTW they were fed by all Einstein tube electronics costing $100k plus. In most shows, these megabuck systems just sound like crap, but this was the exception.
2. MBL 101E: Have to admit, in the past these guys sounded steely to me. But this was greatly tamed this time. Bass was a bit bloated, but the rest was excellent. Not as good as the Acapella but still enjoyable overal.
3. Usher Be-718: These dimunitive monitors impressed me greatly. Dynamics, imagin/staging, clean highs, nice clear warmish midrange, and a kickass bass (but not much below 40Hz) were surprising. I might get a pair.
4. Pioneer S-1EX: Surprise, surprise. Pioneer has come a long way with injection of TAD expertise. Very enjoyable because it was alive and dynamic. Imaging, staging, bass, and midrange was great as was the coherence except for a little zippy high end.
5. YG Acoustics Kipod and accompanying subwoofer: Very clean, pinpoint imaging within a large stage, excellent dynamics, and clean bass. Doesn't do subterranean bass. Given it's $40k+ pricetag, should go lower. But I liked it better than the bigger Anat Reference.

The so-so's, in no particular order.
1. Rebuilt Duetta's with Graz's ribbons: I'm an Apogee fan, having owned the Stages and Centaurs in the past. Although very pleasant with nice tuneful extended bass, smooth midrange and highs, it just wasn't dyanmically alive. The drumb solo was nice, but it didn't get me emotionally. I've heard Duetta's do better at shows. May be it was the Audio Research electronics that mellowed the sound to the point of Valium induced laisse faire. Or may be it needed vinyl or a bigger room. I hope better luck with the new Graz's Duetta.
2. Analysis Audio 4 panel system: Did not fair any better than the Duetta above, although 4x the cost. This is strike 4 for the Analysis Audio speakers - I have never heard them sound good, albeit all at shows.
3. Advanced Ribbon Technologies Metro: Again smooth and nonirritating, but no dynamics at all. My least favorite of the the ribbon bunch.

The disappointments:
1. Beveridge G3 electrostat hybrid: I was really looking forward to hearing these. Was this worth the $50k asking price? NO! At least not what I heard in that coffin rooom. It was claimed to be reach 115dB. Heard a recording with lots of percussion, it started to compress when multiple drums with all the instruments congealing when played at volumes approaching 100dB. The timbre of the intruments were bland, homogeneous. Everything sounded a bit foggy, not the transparency I'm used to from the best electrostats. Low bass was absent. The subwoofer is a TL that goes flat to 30 Hz, but I swear they must have turned it off. Organ music has low bass as a foundation that all other notes builds upon, but I didn't get that from the Beveridge.
2. Scena RLA speakers: Murky, bloated, and dead. Don't remember the amps but the source was the Nova Physics Memory Player. I couldn't wait to get out of the room after 30 seconds.

Some may agree and some may disagree with me like I was your mother-in-law. But hey these are JUST my opinion.
I visited this room several times both on Friday and Saturday in the process of comparing my favorite rooms. The sound of the Crescendo was good on Friday, but absolutely stunning the next day. It turns out that the speaker was brand new, essentially never haven been played before.

By Saturday afternoon it was, to me, the best sound at the show, especially considering that it was in the smallest of rooms. I would enjoy hearing the impressions of others that visited this room.

My impressions: musical, fast, dynamic, accurate, and full range (20-30,000 Hz). Compared with another really great and much larger room, I thought the Mbl 101E sounded a little bright and harsh on the top end relative to the Crescendo.

I was very impressed by the Crescendo also. Powered by a 250W Halcro amp these speakers had incredible bass down to 21hz according to Robert. The bass on his demo material produced the most concussive impact I've ever experienced from a pair of speakers, tight and no boom. They imaged very well and produced excellent definition without brightness and offered an extended top end with plenty of ambience. The styling was very nice, much better than the smaller Adagio and they stood about 48 inches tall, pricing around 12K.
I agree with several of Dracule1's comments, especially the so-so's and the disappointments. I looked forward to hearing the Beveridges and listened twice but came away unimpressed, even though I wanted to like them and know Rick Beveridge to be a very nice guy. Maybe it's the Bryston crossover that's mucking up the sound, but they lacked the transparency of the originals, the best which had direct drive amps for the ESLs. I see John Atkinson carefully avoided saying anything about their sound. Here's hoping they improve them.
Yeah it was amazing. If i had a small room. I would have to look very close at the Mirropure's.
I agree with Jig about Duke and his wife, a charming couple. As soon as I entered the room and sat down Lori asked me If there was anything that I would like to play. I declined as there were others in the room and I could see by their tell tale expressions that people were really enjoying the music (blues) being played, by no talking and lots of foot tapping and nodding of the heads. Dead give away when the sounds are good. As It was good to me also I just let the music do the talking.