Any high-efficiency bookshelf spkrs

I'm putting together a second system that will have a low-power tube amp/integrated and bookshelf speakers. Amp may be 15W or less. Any bookshelf speakers that would be a good match? Thanks!
I am in the same position and have read (not heard) that Omegas are very good as well. I am considering their Super3XRS.

What are you considering for amplification? I am looking at either a shanling MC-30 (inexpensive and flexible) or Cary 300B SEI (used, more expensive and less flexible).

Thanks for the responses. I'll look into those. Not sure yet on amplification. I'll look into the Leben and Stingray II integrateds, and others. Mostly listen to 50s jazz and jazz vocals, some other stuff.
BTW - power and bass are not priorities. This is an office system -- don't want to disturb the neighbors.