Tyler/Salk sensible alternatives to Gallos?

Friends, Since I first posted last week, my obsessive tendencies have kicked into "gear." Many suggested the Gallo Ref III as a must hear for me - a musician who literally plays with his system. On paper, the Gallos make a strong impression with near universal accolades. But peeling away the adoration, I wonder whether they would be a best buy for my needs. I am prepared to buy used. The Gallos go for around $2k. But then you need to add the cost of the sub - another $500-600. Many may say it is not necessary. Without having it, I will always wonder. A bigger issue is the sound stage. I am told that they cast a broad but short shadow. Since I stand when I play/listen, that is a significant issue. I could buy a pair of stands, but custom made can run upwards of $700. Cinder blocks will not fit our decor, I am sure my wife will say. All told, even used, I am looking at something some north of $3k for the Gallos. And perhaps it is still the champ at that price point. But enter the contenders. I read that Mr. Tyler makes magic with his Linbrook Signatures which can be had from him, used, for $4k delivered with a 2 yr warranty. They can be had for hundreds less from private sellers. And Mr. Salk's QW can be had new for the same price as the Gallos in my paradigm, and his Ht3's could be had used for about $1000-1500 more. No reports from owners or reviewers quibble about the depth or vertical reach of these speakers, or the need for stands or subs. So, assuming that they all trade within the same range, and given my particular needs, would the Gallos still reign in my world?
Opalchip your comment "not...timbrally or harmonically accurate" puts the Gallos down on my particualr dance card. As a musician and student of the sound and technique of great jazz musicians, my goal is to put together a system that is as sonically neutral as possible, or at least one that can be colored as I choose. Hence the tube pre and Halcro amp, whose strengths are transparency and with the guts to drive anything . When I listen to Paul Desmond's melifluous alto, I want to hear what he sounds like - not what the speaker sounds like. As I delved into the possibilities, I discovered the Harbeth's are described as faithful to the sound. This is what I am looking for - along with the soundstage and imaging that the Gallo's are famous for. As I said above, I may already own the speakers I need. The Newforms are well over 6', and seem, to my ear to be faithful - as much as I can tell, never having the honor to hear Desmond, Stitt, Ammons and the like. In my studio, where they can have their space, and driven by the Halcro, I believe I will get that sound. At least it is a good first step. And the Khorns to fill the Newform's shoes in my large living space are a very economical option (used) and will scratch that old itch. Opalchip, I appreciate your musician's perspective.
Deliberate, if you decide to unload your Newforms, let me know as I might be going in that direction (also looking at the Gallos). Best of luck to you in your search!
I dunno, I've never heard speakers I like as well as my Gallos, and I've listened to a lot of speakers, before and since.
"I dunno, I've never heard speakers I like as well as my Gallos, and I've listened to a lot of speakers, before and since."

Dopogue, good for you. Satisfaction is the Holy Grail of the audio experience. The rest of us hang out at this audio equivalent of an online dating forum searching for that perfect sonic mate. We should all envy you.