Music to evaluate Speakers and System

I would like to hear about some of the pieces of music or test cd others use to evaluate a system.
Hi Rleff. First, to what purpose do you want to evaluate "a" system? For now I'm assuming you want to enhance yours. First I'll suggest you only use recordings that are in correct phase. I think most test recordings have a phase check track so you may start there(XLO has a good one). Once "your" system is properly set up you must only choose recordings known to be in correct phase(for ex Chesky & Reference Recordings among others are reliable) as this will avoid complicating your evaluation. "Solo" classical instruments are a nice place to start. Guitar for detail, micro dynamics and image specificity(can help position speakers. Flute, woodwind & horn are revealing of sibilance(often cleared up with power conditioning) and often soundstage. Piano is a tough one but when you're getting things right it's remarkable to hear the improvements in dynamics, soundstage, and lovely delicacy with overtones & decay plus subtle piano action sounds. When things sound good you can challenge some orchestral, Reference Recordings are good for this as they seem to choose pieces that are both interesting(not background music) and dynamic for the whole orchestra. (If you use average recordings that may be 'phasy', or not, it will make for frustration; much better to buy a couple of discs.)If the orchestal is clear and provides the detail to hear all the instruments and the dynamics you want I think you'll be well ahead of many of us who thoroughly enjoy there systems & music anyway. HIH(hope it helps)
I do use 'the ultimate reference disc' by Chesky and a choir recording 'Cante Domino' I think it is on Propertius
I was just intertested in the other types of music/recordings other people are using whether it was for dynamics,imaging,phase,linearity,seperation of instruments,and emotional involvement of the music.
Shadorne-Thanks for the Sheffield recommendation as I do not have any of this label.
Thanks for all who have responded thus far.
Another stress test is this:

Erich Kunzel & The Cincinnati Pops - Very Best of Erich Kunzel: Top 20. Lots of variety and almost all of it dynamic.
Here's a link to an article on the Audio Note website. I found it very helpful in evaluating different pieces of equipment. It's definitely worth a read. Good luck in your quest.