Music to evaluate Speakers and System

I would like to hear about some of the pieces of music or test cd others use to evaluate a system.
Thanks for article as it was a interesting read with many points of which I never thought of.
When people come to your home to audition gear; do you find many people using the same genre of music or are they mixing it up; I was just curious? I like the chesky recordings with their different types of microphone/recording techniques and will check out the one you mentioned.
Shadorne; presently hunting for the Sheffield you mentioned as well.
Tough to evaluate separate components in an unknown room/system. You just won't know what you're listening to, what exactly causes the sound you are it a cd player, speakers, amp, preamp, cables or the room?

Unless you are buying that entire system, really, your findings mean very little until you bring the component you were "evaluating" home and hook it up to the rest of YOUR gear.

Some of the music I usually have when I go to a high-end showroom:
Patricia Barber - "Modern Cool" and the live cd "Companion"

Madeleine Peyroux - "Half the Perfect World"

Brian Bromberg - "Wood II"

Metallica - "The Black Album"

Mahler Symphony No.1 with Zander on Telarc(usually use 4th movement to see the separation of instruments as some of the systems/components tend to make a moosh out of this piece).

But again, as I said, it is a tough task to evaluate a particular component within an unknown system and room.
{quote] Mahler Symphony No.1 with Zander on Telarc [/quote]

I agree! Wow. I met Benjamin last time I was in Boston. What a demanding character - he sure knows how get the best out of an orchestra!
Thanks for your kind words, but I recall that this article was recommended by Bob Neill in some other forum. I just happen to remember where I read it. It is an interesting process to evaluate systems and different components. I'm currently in the process of replacing my speakers (B&W N804) and/or my power amp (Krell 2250) and this has openned a few doors for me. As always, I try to trust my ears first and foremost.
the purpose for evaluating a stereo system is not to attempt to "know" the stereo system, but rather to observe the performance given a sample of recordings.

a stereo system is as "strong" as its weakest link. if i like the sound of a stereo system and am looking to purchase an amplifier, i may consider auditioning the amplifier in my own system.

when i went shopping for speakers, i did not purchase a pair of speakers until i heard a stereo system whose performance i enjoyed.

here is my reasoning. if i enjoy a stereo system with a specific pair of speakers, i consider that there is a probability that i can enjoy these speakers in my own stereo system. until i obtain some sufficient evidence, i won't buy the speakers, nor will i want to audition them in my own system.

on the other hand, since i like full range panel speakers, i willing to audition any of them without hearing them.
once i hear them in a stereo system, i require a positive experience.

i can sum this up. if i have a negative experience, i won't take action, if there is a positive experience i will take action. if there is no experience, i may or may not take action. in the case of solid state amps, e.g., since i don't like them as a rule, i won't listen to one, in general, without having a positive experience outside the context of my own stereo system. there was an exception.
i auditioned roger sanders esl solid state amp, without hearing it first, against my better judgment. after i auditioned it, i have decided never to audition a class d amp, or solid state amp until i have first heard the amp somewhere.