musical subwoofer recommendation for 2-ch

Can someone recommend good subwoofers for 2-ch listening? I recently purchased a pair of very articulate speakers made by JAS audio. They have small woofers and so they are fast but do not have sufficient low bass.

I have a 15" Velodyne SPL-1500R. It is very powerful. But it is too slow to match up these speakers. So I'll save it for HT applications.

I am thinking to get two 10" subwoofers and connect them to the speakers. Is this a good idea? What are the good subwoofers I should consider?

Thanks in advance.
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Please excuse me if I may ask a question and I don't mean to distract from Vett93's original post, but to the REL sub owners out there, "Does anyone know if the power switch on the REL Strata III should flicker when on? On mine the toggle switch for the power button which lights up, also flickers. Could this be a connection problem or is this common?" Thanks
Since you're not biamping with the sub's amp, it may be possible that you've pushed your main amp too hard.

That would be my guess too.
It turned out that I had set the subwoofer gain too high. Later on I used a Rives CD to generate tones and caliberated the gain and phase of the sub to match up the main speakers.

Thanks all who suggested that I should keep the Velodyne SPL-1500R. It is indeed a good sub.

Now I just need to get a sub for the HT processor for movies, which is much cheaper.
another vote for rel, these are very easy to integrated w/ most speakers. They are fast, articular and doesnt call attention to itself.
The mimic the character of your power amp. If your power amp is fast, the rel will be fast. If your amp is slow and muddy, bass will be the same.