Any Eminent Technology LFT 8 owner in the Bay Area

I was wondering if there's any place where I could test drive the Eminent Technology LFT 8 a/b planar speakers in the CA Bay Area.
Since ET's destributors are kind of scarce, I'd like to listen to the speakers before I decide to buy it or not.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

An audition is a good idea. I owned them also but they weren't to my taste.
I think they sound better the Magnepan but both are great speakers, call Bruce Thigpen at ET and ask if he can put you in touch with a close owner......great guy.
Should have put in my post that although the speakers weren't for me, as Chad pointed out Bruce Thigpen is a wonderful person to deal with.
Yes Bruce is a great guy!He doesn't live far from a friend and I. My friend bought a pair of LFT 8s from him. He was nice enough to fly the speakers up on his private plane. Terrific guy in deed!!
My friend still owns them.. that was over two years ago.
Has anyone managed to compare the LFTs with Newform Research's 630v3?
These are other hybrid speakers that I was thinking of.

I liked the Maggie 1.6 but I just couldn't compromise on the lack of punch in the bass (even for a jazz/classical music listener that I am).

Thanks a lot,