Best speakers for 3 cord rock and roll

I'm looking to set up a 2 channel system to primarily listen old fashioned R&R (Beatles, Stones, Ramones) and some classic country (Cash, Nelson,Williams). What's better for this type of music - cones or planars? My budget is $2k for a used pair.
I wish the Classic Audio Repro's were within that budget....the sales tax on a pair bought in Michigan might be close to $2K?.......they are my dream speaker if I had the cash & space:)
Scott_wojo - Heard the Hornshoppe Horns in a medium/large room (17'x24'?) the other night driven by a Cayin A-88T (integrated). The sound of these IS addicting. I am still not convinced of their use for jazz, but can say with utmost confidence that for rock, these buggers ROCK!! This implementation had them pulled away from the corners but were augmented with Ed Schilling's "The Cube", a small (10" box with two 6.5" drivers) but very effective woofer box driven by external amp (box and amp sold together) to fill in the lower freqs. Together, these would be a great choice for what you are looking for. Affordable and small but MIGHTY is how I'd describe this set up. And they can play very loud, yet maintain clarity and control. The speaker bases were filled with copper BBs, spaged about 12' apart, and crossed about 1-2' behind my head. I would not hesitate replacing my $5,000 mains with these $850 wonders, except I am still undecided when it comes to jazz music. Vocals, acoustic, and rock - these are great! Chamber, opera, jazz, piano - I could live with them but not sure I'd be as happy as with my current mains for this type of music. For me, I still need to evaluate more. But for you, call Ed today! Also, I preferred them with the Cayin over the BYOB for jazz, vocal, and piano. For rock, either would be fine.
You may also want to check out the new Cerwin Vega 215's

$999 a pair and recieved a pretty good review
from Soundstage (I believe)
Rockadanny, I think I'm sold on the horns since I live in a condo and can't shake the floors with the big stuff. I'm not sold on the tube amp since the system will be on about 10 hours a day at a low volume and I don't want to have to replace the tubes. I'm thinking about a small SS amp with good bass. Any ideas?