Speakers that do rock justice ...

I'm looking at buying a pair of PSB Stratus Gold i's due to their ability to play rock music VERY dynamically , but without sounding strained or compressed. Is there any other speaker I may be missing that I should take a look at as well ?
Thank you
Legacy Focus will rattle your windows. (3) 12 inch woofers in each speaker!

shakeydeal do you own a pair of montanas and if so which ones i really enjoy mine they will play any music and are very dynamic
Wilsons. Not much else out there that has their combination of bass, dynamics, and power handling. They also do a pretty good job of soundstaging and detail.
ATC is a pro studio monitor and a true reference standard for rock producers for 30 years. Pink Floyd and the Rolling Stones, amongst others, mix down on these. Very honest and brutal of the source tapes and you will hear exactly what is on your collection. Try their active 16s or passive 19s. They need big amps in passive mode and like to be played LOUD.
Well, this seems like a thread made for the
Emerald Physics CS-2. Worth a check at least
depending on your budget.
I have not heard them yet, but have a pair on order.