High vs. Low Efficiency Speakers

Are there benefits / disadvantages to either?

I listen primarily to classical and prefer tube amps, does this lead me toward one speaker over another?

Lastly, I try to keep the music at a fairly low volume -- need to protect the hearing!

Thanks in advance and Happy New Year.

Also would be helpful to know room size, type of tube amp, and type of classical.
no real advantages or bene's to either but choice of one dictates amp choices as a general rule of thumb..if you like Classical music and listen at low volumes a SET tube amp is strongly recommended and you'll need to partner with a high efficiency speaker design >90db and impedance flat at 8 ohms...this is a lifelike combo IMHO.
good luck,
The benefit to higher efficiency speakers is that less amplifier power is needed to achieve a given loudness. The benefit of a low efficiency speaker is that you may be able to operate the volume control higher in its range where it has less effect on the sound quality.