Reccomendations for 802D's?

I'm finally getting what has been my dream speaker. I never thought I'd own these but the time has come. I should have in the next month or so. I will be running the new mc2301 from Mcintosh (not released yet). Any reccomendations on placement of the 802D's. Also the Mcitosh can run at diferent ohms 2, 4, and 8 I think, so will either make a diference with the 802D. Other equipment will be C500C&T pre, MT10 TT, Classe A CDP202, and two MC2301 300 watt tube mono amps.

Thanks Tboooe, I was really worried before I set it up since I've never heard the system and it was a lot of money. I've never owned mcintosh and never really heard the diamond series in a position to be a great sounding speaker, as I've only heard it at a dealer and not in the best sound enviroment. I was very nervous, I was really worried that my stuff would be on here for sale because if I didn't like it the least bit, it would be for sale. I must say so far it has exceeded my expectations. Can't wait to get my shunyata upgrades in and get everything broken in.

I know you're not trying to rain on my parade here, just opinions and I know you owned 802D's at one time or atleast auditioned them and they didn't do it for you, room and power and speaker, I geuss they all have to blend just right and we all definitely have different taste. I respect that and many told me to get another speaker but I had my mind made up that I like B&W and I'm going to give them a chance, glad I did so far.

Real Beer and Audio Gear. Now there’s a great hobby (good tagline too). You lovers of the Dogfish obviously appreciate the American hop; much more flavorful than the European variety.
I have some great recommendations, but I guess that’s for another forum. Love the red grapes too!
I've got some new Dogfish,or new to me. I got a few packs of the Dogfish, Burton Baton, will try for sure tonight. Kind of bummed, my TT is causing a static plunge which is shutting down my amps and have to unplug the pre in order to get it to play, I've informed Mcintosh and will just listen to cd's I geuss til they figure out the problem. CD's and beer, ha
