Crossoverless Speakers - Ultimate Solution ?

I have a pair of speakers which have NO crossover, except for a rather large Mundorf capacitor on the ribbon tweeter. The speaker up until last week contained a resister, but even that was removed by the manufacturer. Now the sound on this two-way horn loaded speaker with a custom made 8" woofer it really great. The speaker has a tremendous amount of detail, with NO hint of harshness what so ever.

The efficiency is around 96 dB with a minimum impedance of around 8 ohms (average is around 10 to 12 ohms).

In light of my current findings, is it possible for a conventional loudspeaker with crossovers, regardless of cost to have as much detail and air as what I'm finding.

I must say I've yet to hear a speaker retrieve as much detail without glare or the dreaded forward or treble emphasized tweeter tricking you into thinking there is more detail.

The down side to all this is obviously the lack of a good bottom end to help balance the speaker. A matching active sub-woofer would no doubt help in this regard.

Any thoughts ?
Crossovers are easily both the most important, yet least understood are of loudspeaker design. In my opinion, this is the reason there are so few truly good sounding loudspeakers on the market.

My opinion of crossoverless loudspeakers (apart from drivers that are meant to be used as such - Lowther, AER, Fostex, etc.) is that there is a tremendous amount of energy and extension missing in the presentation. This experience comes from both DIY and commercially available designs. Normally, this implementation uses a capacitor on the tweeter leg - necessary to protect this driver.

The addition of an inductor on the woofer leg solves the problem in restoring the energy, power, and drive. From the perspective of my feeble mind, and in probably not giving it enough thought, it's counterintuitive. But, you can't argue with tangible results.

I will say that I agree with the designer's removal of the resistor in his crossover. Even the very BEST resistors really damage the sound, and those that are less than the best (which most of the best speakers use) are even far, far worse. Of course, you have to balance this decision with the fact that most tweeters are more sensitive than most woofers, but one can make it a point to pair two drivers of similar sensitivity (easier said than done).
Small 6-7 inch woofers roll off somewhere near 2000 Hz, so why bother with an inductor. Just use a capacitor to pick up the tweeter where the woofer dies.

Lousy idea, except for real cheap speakers. The woofer doesn't die peacefully at 2000 Hz. At this frequency and above it exhibits wild peaks and valleys as the cone breakup happens. The purpose of the inductor is to shut the woofer up before it starts misbehaving,
'The main driver is a custom-built 8" unit of our own design mated to the Neo ribbon. At 43" x 11" x 14" HxWxD, the dimensions are deliberately living-room friendly while the combination of piano-gloss lacquer on the sides, real black leather on top and front and exotic red Jarrah wood for the scoop will appeal to even jaded interior decorators.'

WOW- those speakers are $19,000?
Are they the most expensive crossover less speaker in the World? I've seen lots of those sort of speakers for sale, but none near the lofty heights of yours. Were they made by Viscount Linley?
I've not heard them so cannot pass comment on their sound quality.
The best crossover being no crossover is indeed a good theory. And I have a pair of speakers that prove the theory has become fact. So I can believe what Clipsal is saying.
Whenever a big advance comes along there are always "experts" on hand to explain in lofty and technical terminology why it cannot possibly work.
If eventually the "experts" are forced to relax their objections to a novel speaker technology, someone else will appear to lament that they are not available in Peruvian Feathered Scrub Oak veneer, or that they don't stand on the optimum number of spikes, or the binding posts aren't thick enough or they are too thick. Or the speakers aren't tri-ampable because they are a two-way. There's always a problem if you aren't a Recommended Component.

Macrojack...Let's not argue about how your speakers sound, but a speaker lacking a crossover is hardly novel technology. Once upon a time they were all that way.