Pass Labs Power Cord

I'm looking for Power Cord recomendation for my pass labs X350. Any help is highly appreciated.

Thank you

04-12-08: Armandito

Who were you refering to when you used the word "quibbling"?

You, based on this comment:

04-12-08: Armandito
Any recomendation without braking the bank?

"Not breaking the bank" generally refers to a low price (although everyone's idea of a low price is personal), hence quibbling over cost, IMO...especially considering the cost of a Pass Labs X350 amplifier.

No disrespect intended, just a different perspective.

At this point in my Pass Labs ownership, I don't believe it's necessary to spend a lot of money (shall we say more than $700) to bring out the best in the amps. However, my experimentation is thus far limited, and I'm certainly open to discovery.
Here's a link of interest:
I hope this thread doesn't unravel into the tired ABX test argument.

The fact is, many people can discern differences among power cords, and many others cannot.

I believe it's best to let those who wish to buy aftermarket cords discuss the benefits they have experienced, and let those who do not detect differences discuss it in a separate thread.

Neither camp with ever convince the die-hards of the other camp.

It's interesting to note, however, that there are at least a half dozen Audiogon members who are regular discussion thread contributors, and who were initially quite resistant to aftermarket power cords, who later admitted discovering significant improvements in their systems after trying a few power cords in their systems.
The reason Pass Amps don't respond to high-cost power cords like other amps is, and I'm not sure I understand this 100%, but I've read that as true class A (I have Aleph 5 - and this may not apply to their modern Class AB amps) they draw the same current all the time. It either gets used for heat or music, but doesn't change. Amps that operate as Class B will pull more wattage when the music peaks, so all of a suddent asking the wall for 10X the power you were using a microsecond ago, if your power cord is higher end there may be less resistance or capacitance or whatever, and it gets there more quickly and/or in a purer way. But the Pass Class A amps (and I suppose any true Class A amp?) always draw the same amount of current independent of the loudness or local intensity of the music.

So, this would mean, if correct, that the XA200 or XA160 would not require crazy power cord, and your X350 would only to the extent that it was in class B mode. I've read here and there at what wattage it goes from A to B, don't have the info at my figertips, its realitively high for 350, so the only effect you should hear is when you are listenting to very very loud music, the amp is in B mode, and then on top of that, the volume changes very quickly. If you had 150, for example, you would be in B mode more often.

Otherwise, it won't make a differnce.

Not to say I'm against spending $150 or $70 on low/medium-end Kimber power cord or similar equivalent, but I don't think going higher in price buys much for reasons mentioned above.
I installed Cardas Golden Reference power cords on my Pass Labs XA-60.5 amps
this week, and they are a subtle, but worthwhile improvement over the stock

The differences with the Cardas cords installed are: less grain, lower noise floor,
more balanced attacks with less "shout", more clearly audible venue
ambience, all contributing to an overall more refined sound.

Again, not an extreme difference, but worth the cost of two used Golden
Reference power cords, IMO.