Pass Labs Power Cord

I'm looking for Power Cord recomendation for my pass labs X350. Any help is highly appreciated.

Thank you

I installed Cardas Golden Reference power cords on my Pass Labs XA-60.5 amps
this week, and they are a subtle, but worthwhile improvement over the stock

The differences with the Cardas cords installed are: less grain, lower noise floor,
more balanced attacks with less "shout", more clearly audible venue
ambience, all contributing to an overall more refined sound.

Again, not an extreme difference, but worth the cost of two used Golden
Reference power cords, IMO.
I had the Pass Aleph 2's (then XA160's and awaiting the new XA100.5's). I replaced the stock power cords with two runs of 15' of JPS Labs in-wall cables wired directly from separate 20amp circuit breakers, through the floor, to high quality Furutech plugs directly into each momoblock. The drop in noise floor and resulting low-level detail retrieval was dramatic. Dynamics and transperancy also improved. I don't really know if the improvement is from the quality of the JPS cable or the fact that the current runs a direct path to the amps, ie. one continuous cable with no breaks for outlets and connectors. Cost was about $500.
In my own experience with Gryphon Antileon amp (100 watt pure Class A), to Lightminers point, I have found the Dominus Ferox to make a big difference. I have spoken with other A'Goners off-line who also concurred that upgrading the stock PC on Gryphon amps (Class A ones...Colosseum) yielded significant improvements. I am auditioning a Purist Audio Aqueous now (which is def better than stock) and am likely to go for Dom Ferox. I have a s/hand one for my DAC and the improvement is worth it for me. Hope that helps.
I am looking for a power cord for mine pass labs X350.5, you had tried the dominus and cardas golden reference I know pass amp does not make a lot of different in after market cord, but would like to try some power cord for mine pass, what was the different between the dominus and cardas golden reference is it worth it to you, I had tried DDCA extreme reference cord on the pass and was not good sound like the amp on steroid not musical for mine taste.
Goone, the Purist Dominus usually provides a little more controlled bottom end
on whatever component it's used. It's been some time since I listened to these
two cords, and frankly I don't recall trying them both on the Pass Labs amps, but
I know whatever cords I've tried on the XA-60.5 have made little difference to
my ears.

I presently use Oyaide Tunami GPX with good results.