power cord for electrostatic speaker

Hi folks, I would like to know if you have some suggestions/recommendations regarding the use of special after market power cords for electrostatic speakers (Sound Labs). The power consumption of such speakers is extremely low, so I don't think power cords would have audible (if there is any) impact. What is your opinion? Isn't it a bit ridiculous to spend 2 x US$700 worth of power cords only for electrostatic speakers?

I made up a DIY pair of power cords using Romex solid core wire, and the stock Quad IEC and male receptacle when I had a pair of Quad 63 back in 1988.The stock cords in my mind were much too thin.
I thought they were an improvement, and so did the gentleman who bought my Quads a few years later.
He listened to the stock cords first then asked if he could hear the speakers with the DIY that were on the floor.
He then asked me how much extra for the DIY cables.
I guess he could hear the difference as well.
I used aftermarket power cords on my CLS speakers.
On these I used the Foundation Research LC2, that have filters.
Stats can be RFI,EMI magnets.
I know a soundlab owner who in the past has made his own low gauge wires and found a benefit.

I also found a great benefit to upgraded power cords when I used to own Quads.

However, If I owned 'stats, what I would do is spend the money on a Powerplant Premier (or even a small 300 would work) and less on cables.

The nice thing about the PS Audio unit is that you can try it for 30 days I believe (at least from some vendors).

Here you would know right off the bat if cleaner power will help. Of course the next step would be to plug your whole system into the Premier (unless using powerful tube amps - My MA1's use too much juice for the premier - but I have them on a PS Audio Duet)

So for the cost, you'd really be getting a whole system upgrade by going to regenerated power. Then after that, consider some well built but inexpensive power cords.

I may be wrong, but I believe the benefits of clean power outweigh the benefits of better power cords. Of course some people with dedicated lines, who are far from neighbors, computers, etc. may not need power conditioning.

But that's where I would start.
A pair of Mit z-cord IIs made a significant improvement on my old quads.Cannot explain how or why, but there was no question of the improvement, the sound was not different it was better, my kids noticed it the day I installed the power cords. Years later I sold my beloved quads on audiogon with the stock cords,I suggested to the buyer he pick up some used Z-cords, he finnally did and emailed me back with a WOW.