Bi-amping B&W 703's

I've got a pair of B&W 703's and a pair of matching Electrocompaniet AW220's.

Currently I'm using the amps in their mono setting one for each speaker.

Not sure if this would work with the crossover, but would there be any advantage in removing the plates that connect the speaker terminals and use one amp in stereo mode for the bass and one in stereo mode for the mid and highs?

Any input would be appreciated.

Yes, you would use a y-adapter on the amp end if your pre does not have two pairs of outputs. I should have mentioned that. Sorry.

Single RCAs come off the pre- terminate into a single female y adapter that splits to dual male RCAs. Repeat on amp/speaker 2.

Radio shack sells decent y adapters. If you like this setup you could spend a little money and get a pair from Audioquest or one of the other better cable manufacturers.
Just spoke to a guy at work who used to work for a TV station and worked a lot on their electronics there.

When I asked him about the y-adapters he was a little concerned about splitting the signal that way since the load would change as well. He suggested to use a little amplifier that has two outputs instead of the y-adapter to keep the signal strength the same.

I'm a mechanical engineer and have always been somewhat at war with electricity (at least my mind has been) and I'd like to find out a little more before I get into this.

Any more suggestions on this issue?

Thanks guys
Ktrauti- Amplifiers with two outputs per channel have an internal circuit that is the same as a Y connector(except perhaps switched). The amplifier would still see the exact same load. Answers like that are probably why that guy isn't working at the TV station any more. The chances of splitting the signal of most pre-amps creating a problem are very slim. There are an awful lot of people out there doing it, as well as recommending it. ( ( ( (
Thanks Rodman99999

I'll read through all the links and will go from there.

Still would like to find out what change there is when splitting the signal in two and what effect it could have on the preamp.

Guess since a lot of people do it it really can't be that harmful. Was wondering if I should contact Electrocompaniet and see what method they would recommend.

Either way, first I'll need cables and need the connectors to split the signal. Hope it'll make an actual change in the sound so I don't waste all the cash on stuff I otherwise don't need.

Still considering a bigger change in the system since the speakers sound too bright to me (guess I'm not alone in this with B&W 703's of what I read here.

Thanks again
The only difference you'll see with the pre-amp is, perhaps, the need to turn the gain up slightly. The output voltage for each channel will be split between the two channels of the respective power amp. Of course: each channel will have twice the power available as well. It couldn't hurt to contact Electrocompaniet. Try aiming the tweeters slightly outboard of your listening position(if they're not already). Is your room hard or soft acoutically?