Bi-amping B&W 703's

I've got a pair of B&W 703's and a pair of matching Electrocompaniet AW220's.

Currently I'm using the amps in their mono setting one for each speaker.

Not sure if this would work with the crossover, but would there be any advantage in removing the plates that connect the speaker terminals and use one amp in stereo mode for the bass and one in stereo mode for the mid and highs?

Any input would be appreciated.

The only difference you'll see with the pre-amp is, perhaps, the need to turn the gain up slightly. The output voltage for each channel will be split between the two channels of the respective power amp. Of course: each channel will have twice the power available as well. It couldn't hurt to contact Electrocompaniet. Try aiming the tweeters slightly outboard of your listening position(if they're not already). Is your room hard or soft acoutically?
Well, the floor is carpet, the walls are the usual drywall stuff
Furniture is wood and seating is mainly fabric covered.

The wall behind the speakers is actually windows all the way to the ceiling.

The main problem I've always had is that the speakers are somewhat bright sounding, though moving them to the room where they are now and not having a huge projection TV between them has made things better.

When I auditioned them they were driven by a new Classe amp (think it was the CA-2200) and the sound was nice and warm, but the source they used was a lot better then the mediocre Sony Cd player I've got right now.

Guess for now I'll keep playing around a bit before selling the amps and getting something different.

Not sure if tube gear would work well with these speakers but since there's no dealer around here where I could audition any I may just stick to Classe or something that supposedly works well with my speakers.

The other option would still be to get other speakers, but where to start. There's a dealer here in town that has PMC speakers which I've auditioned on Rega components and it was way better for my liking then what I have now. Unfortunately the PMC's cost about twice as much as my speakers and are out of the question right now.

Ok, for now I'll read all the bi-amping stuff and then see which route I'll go.

Thanks guys
Is that an SADC Sony? A lot of people have had them modded to tame a strident top-end. I'm not certain about the other Sony CDP's, but I would upgrade that(or audition something better) before making any other changes. Any kind of curtains between you and those windows? What are you using in the way of interconnects?
Almost 2am and to my embarassment I shall admit that it's a Sony 5 DC changer. Far less then stellar but the Denon player I have has taken a life of it's own and convinced it's components to only read DVD's, CD's are ignored, haha.

Considering that neither the reviews of the Electrocompaniet amps nor the Musical Fidelity A308CR preamp were all that bad the source obviously is one of the things that needs attention. Other than that it's a NAD tuner.

Curtains don't exist and I don't think my lady would have any of them there, neither would I.

Speakr cables and interconnects are from audioquest throughout.

For now I think that the sources are the weakest components in the chain, however, the least pricey thing to change right now will be to change the amp setup and biamp the speakers.

Then get a better source and if that doesn't do it I'll have to take it from there.

Of what I read here it does seem easier to get different speakers that match my amps, after all, the amps aren't that bad I think.

Rodman99999, may I ask what setup you have?

Ok, time to go to bed and rest for a little
