Hyperion HPS-938 speakers

Has anyone had any experience with the Hyperion HPS-938? Seem to be having a problem with them being bright in the top end, lean in the mids, and light on the base. In all the reviews I have read never any talk of these problems. I have Arcam gear and Nordost cables. Have had them for quite some time. Any thoughts??
In my experiency silver interconnects sound very good with Mc amps. They give a bit more transparent sound without sounding harsh. Actually nothing can sound harsh with a Mcintosh amp.
I am a new owner of Hyperion 938. My decision was solely based on many great reviews and positive owners feedback from Audiocircle. Overall, I am very pleased with my purchase and found the hyperion very revealing of the sources and amplification. Changing from an old Rotel CD player 855 to a very modest Oppo 970 made a signifcant change in sound dynamic and ambience. My set up is Audible Illusion preamp and B&K 202 amp. I found the Hyperion on the bright side, and looking to replace the B&K with a tube amp. With my budget under $1500, any advise of a good used tube amp that matches the Hyperion 938? I have looked into a couple of choices like a VTL ST-85, VAC PA 80/80 and Conrad Johnson (MV60 or Premier 11A). I prefer brand name over the lesser known.

I also noticed there are not many Hyperion owners in audiogon. Hyperion seemed to do well around 2005 with many great reviews. Wonder why they are still not popular and not selling as much recently (including the new 968).
Simple why they aren't selling as well. No reviews on Stereofool or Absolute Fool.

Under $1500, tube amps that do well with 938 are http://www.mcalisteraudio.com (personal experience), http://www.pacificcreek.com (second hand info), and possibly http://www.angelfire.com/biz/bizzyb

McAlister amps sound very smooth, detailed, great bass, and very good soundstaging/imaging, but build quality is DIY like and reliability might be an issue.
Dracule1 - the McAlister has two amps - SE44 and PP150. I know PP150 can drive the Hyperion without a problem, but wonder if the 22Watts SE will do. Any experience with that? Also, I understand they have noise from transformers, and reliability is another issue dealing with a Canadian company.
Answering a couple of questions. First the B&W's did not fair nearly as well as I thought they would. It was amazing the difference between the two. The 938 were better in everyway. Given that they are close in price I expected a much better fight. Makes me feel better about the Hyperions.

Since changing from a Arcam to a McIntosh amp the speakers shine. I have not heard it with SET tube amps and would love too. But, the solid state McIntosh has opened my mind on what the speakers can do. Was very worried with the Arcam amp driving them.

The other thing I have noticed is that the Hyperions are very sensitive to differend cabeling. Have been trying different pairs from the "Cable Company". Hate to say it but the Nordost Heimdalls and the Tara Labs RSC 1 series 2 are great too, but expensive. (these are innerconnects between the preamp and amp). Have looked at smaller companys like Signal,Morrow,Rscables,Audio Art cables. Prices look good but harder to find reliable reviews to help make the leap with them.

Before the Mac I was ready to put them up for sale and move on but now I have seemed to have connected with them.
Next a preamp. What to by.......?