External crossover good next move?

Hello Audiogoners, budget-minded post

I have an NAD C320BEE amp with a basic Velodyne subwoofer (CT-80) inserted between pre and amp sections (per Bob Reynolds suggestion--thank you). Source is a Lite DAC-AH, fed by an NAD CD player.

The problem is the cable runs to and from the subwoofer need to be quite long (at least 6 feet). I have a DH Labs cable from the DAC to pre, but cables running to the sub and back, I am ashamed to say, are $29 Monster cable. So I wonder how much I am losing in the Monster cable. Also I wonder about the quality of the crossover in my sub: this is an 80-watt HT-oriented sub I got for $300 new in 2001.

I am considering an external crossover, like Paradigm x-30 or Outlaw ICBM. Could I expect a real improvement through this upgrade? Does anyone have a sense of quality of the crossover in a sub like mine, versus those products?

I like the sub-monitor arrangement, and am not quite ready to buy a new amp, although I would not be surprised to hear that is best route. Any ideas appreciated
Rob, thanks for your comments, this is helpful.

The other day I took the sub out and reconnected the pre and power sections with a decent cable (DH Labs BL-1). Without the sub, it sounded kind of flat and drab compared to what I'm used to. It seems to me the extra power from the sub is a net plus for this kind of budget system.

Are there good active (external) crossovers that can be used at the speaker level?
The comparsion should not be done with and without the sub.

You can still run the sub. By all means you should if you like it. All I am saying is get the signal to the sub via speaker level. Cheap speaker wire is all you need. 1 pair going to the sub, and another going to the AEs on each side. 4 leads coming off the amp.

You have a nice little speakers, and a well built intelligently designed amp. I just do not see how running your sub in the preout/main in loop is going to help anything. I dont believe it is helping the AEs in any way.

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Your missing the point. This is not a line level vs speaker level debate.

The issue is running it in the preout/main in loop. In this case line level forces it to be in the loop, which is why speaker level makes more sense to me.

Simple logic says that adding 12ft of ICs and an additional crossover to your signal chain is not ideal. If you are going to do it, it better have a big sonic payoff. This is where we disagree.

His speaker is efficient and represents a benign load to the amplifier. In addition, the amplifier has a respectable power supply. The NAD does not need to be relieved of the load.

If you are looking for a 75hz wallop, than okay. But if you are looking for flat response you are better off letting the speakers roll off naturally and filling in with the sub at this point. That 6.5in Peerless woofer is going to do far more justice to an upright bass than the sub.

Finally, due to this config the OP is asking about buying an external passive XO as an upgrade. His money is much better spent in other places. Why force yourself down this road when you can simply work this need out of the design?

There is no right or wrong. Just opinions- ours differ. Im suggesting he try speaker level. I see it as sonically superior and more simple.
