Apogee vs Soundlab

Which speaker is better: Apogee or Soundlab and why? Which is superior technically speaking: fullrange ribbon or fullrange electrostatic speaker and why?
Disclaimer: It is not my intention to start a fullrange ribbon vs fullrange electrostatic war. I just want to hear your opinions.

I have always liked electrostatics, but worry about their dust collecting properties. So I choose Maggies, and they certainly come close to ES in sound.
I would say in terms of resolution they are about equal. Dynamics and sheer power, definetly the Apogee. Ultimate coherency the Soundlabs win. Both are top notch speakers.
I agree with all of the above, however with bigger OTLs the Sound Labs really come alive as far as dynamics and power are concerned and to my ears hold their own even with the big Apogees and since I trust Albert Porter's ears I would say that with the big VTLs they could easily do just as well.
Apogee and Sound Lab have (had) several different models, so it's not as clear cut, as in name only.

More like: Which Apogee models, compete with which, Sound Lab models?

The biggest, and best Apogees, are the Apogee Grand, Apogee Fullrange, Apogee Scintilla, Apogee Diva, Apogee Studio Grand.

The biggest, and best Soundlabs?....I'm not up on them.
I had Apogee Divas many years ago and found them the most difficult speakers to drive and maintain, that I have ever owned and too big for most rooms to get a decent soundstage. I finally traded them for Quad ELS 63's and Gradient SW63 Subs. which were superb & lived with me until I moved house and finally got a big dedicated room.
I now have Sound Lab U1-PX's with which I initially had some problems driving with ARC Ref 210,s. I took some advice & now traded and have ARC 610T's.
I am home back off an extended business trip in a couple of weeks and hope to get it all together and running. Will post my impressions then.