Pickup SRA - starting from a 500x microscope

I am not sure if my Lyra Atlas has the right SRA. Can other owners contribute? I have bought a 500x usb microscope, but it remains hard to find the exact angle. It is easy to get the angle of the record (or platter - I use a mirror), but very hard to get the angle of the stylus. I use the Cooling Tech software but it does not solve my problems. Trying to estimate the angle I cannot set the crosses sufficiently exact, and end up with values like 88, 90, 94 - varying all over the place.
I have only taken a few pictures so far, and could perhaps improve them. Tips and info welcome.
So interesting, for eons we set VTA/SRA by ear on the theory that sound should be the arbiter of sound reproduction.

In the last few years it has become fashionable and attractive to those that prefer an empirical solution to the issue rather than relying solely on hearing, to set VTA/SRA by eye or, more accurately, by degrees from a right angle to the groove surface. This is a method popularized by Malewicz and Fremer. If the surety of this method appeals to you, by all means follow the logic. But IMHO, having tried it, I believe that it is incorrect.

Just as the assertion by Mr. Fremer that small changes in VTA/SRA are negligible should be called into question and is easy to test by simply making very small changes in VTA and listening for any changes in sound.

I agree that small changes in SRA are noticeable, I do however subscribe to the idea that starting from a technical correct point is the proper way to go.

Good Listening

Peter, I have only the greatest respect for you and your achievements, but I believe that the modern theory is that an SRA of 92 degrees is not a starting point, but the correct end point. YMMV.
I think Peter and Viridian are both correct but are differing in approaches. I use both. When I get a new cart or change carts, I set my SRA by ear first. That process takes a few days of listening and experimenting. I then check my SRA setting with a digital microscope. By ear I usually have it set around 91 degrees. I change the SRA to 92 degrees using the scope, but of course marking my original placement for reference.

So far, every time I have changed to 92 degrees using the scope, the sound dramatically improves - especially in transparency, air, decay and realism. I'm definitely in the SRA to 92 degrees camp.
Phil, I believe that Peter and I use the same approach, starting from approximately 90 degrees to the groove we fine tune by ear. Peter characterizes this as a "technically correct point" and I would describe it as a "convenient starting point", but we seem to be doing the same thing.

My point was simply that this recent method of setting SRA with a USB microscope often posits that 92 degrees to the groove is gospel. Nothing wrong with that and it seems to be most effective in your experience.