Wireless Speakers? Do they make such thing?

My buddy lives in San Diego and was aksing me if there is any wireless/bluetooth surround sound speakers? He is currently renting and have a small living room for his system. He is limited on space and really doesn't want to run wires under the carpets since he doesn't know how long he will be staying at this apartment. I don't know of any wireless speakers and I don't know how well they would perform as well. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
I believe B&W has something like that coming this year called the "Liberty" I think... Here we go:

I believe those were Thiel monitors. Self powered , however power access is still a question of practicality. Sound was OK for wireless speakers. Good choice if you must take that road. But I am sure that there will be more of this or other technologies implemented to high end speaker makers just around the horizon.