Heres my plan, input please.

Learning this audiophile buisness is like trying to spell your name in a bowl of alphabet soup. When think you're just about there, it starts to float away and you end up with something else.
I just purchased a pair of Cremona Auditors and am in the process of purchasing the cremona center chasnnel. I plan to later add, as budget affords, a pair of Cremon floor standers and then move the auditors to the rear. Am I doing OK so far?
If you have to ask, then no, you are not doing okay. Also, since you didn't list any associated gear or anything about the size of your room, how could anyone offer a meaningful opinion?

Getting back to that "Alphabet Soup..."
Plato, thanks for looking. I'm just trying to learn how to swim in this soup. The room is 14x16 I have been using Monitor Audio Book Shelf with a Sony AVR STR-V444ES but plan to replace it with a Denon 3808ci or maybe the new model B&K coming out next month. When it comes to the amps and pre- amps in the future, I'll have to swim there too. This stuffs in my living room thats why the SFs.
You will be fine, but at any rate who cares anyway?, its yours to enjoy and nobody else matters.
We've all been down the twisted and thorny path you're starting to travel.

My sympathies.

The assistance of a good, local, high end dealer would be valuable to you.
Trust your own ears and budget... not those of any so called local pro in the high end biz.

Very good results can come via receiver oriented systems... and they allow some flexibility along the way. Do keep to those with good power though... and again.. trust what your hearing from the components more so than what you are hearing from the "local pro"... unless of course, the pro isn't selling high end gear to you personally... and therefore has nothing to gain.

Audition what you can, and ask questions and research what you can not audition... oh, and the Soup?

...season to taste.