Which external cross-over x-over to consider?

I would like to use an active x-over with balanced and single ended i/outputs between pre and power amps for a sub(Martin L. Depth) and my merlins, crossing over at around 40hz.
I never realized that there are a bunch of extrenal x-overs to choose from. Which ones would be of higher quality?
Here are some I have found, but I am sure there are many more:
Marchand's xm126 & xm-44,
nht's x1 & x2,
Bryston's 10b,
Mark levinson LNC,
deqx pdc-2.6,
Audio Research EC21.
If there are others worthy of looking at let's hear about them.
You could always look for a used Pass Labs XVR1, has both SE and XLR input/output w/ dedicated power supply. Here's the one-sheet and manual.

Terry Cain loaned me his for a month or so when I first got my IM-Ben double-horns w/ matching dual subwoofers. The XVR1 was as close to "transparent" as you could get.

Depending on whether you are a tube or SS fanatic, digital or analog, it really doesn't get much better than that.
Dear Pedrillo: IMHO I think that you already owned through your ML sub and I think too that its high pass filter is really good.

Why do you think you need an additional external crossover?

Regards and enjoy the music.
The one thing it doesn't have is balanced inputs and outputs. I like how my sims (pre & power amps) sound in balanced mode.