Would classic klipsch work here?

I'm going to be getting a Denon AVR 1708, and of course quality cables and what not. The thing is I don't know what speakers I should get. I was thinking a lot the lines of Klispch Cornwalls or Heresys, but their a tad expensive, and I'm not sure if they're what I'm looking for. What I need is a speeker, that sounds good with louder music, like hard rock and metal (I listen primarily to bands like System of a down, Children of Bodom, Slipknot, etc.), and it needs to sound good at high and low volumes. So should I just get more money and get cornwalls, or would you recommend something else?
Find a good condition pair of Klipsch Forte2 speakers.. ( $500-$700 depending on cond. ) Easy to drive,exc.bass,and play loud..Throw in some Paul Speltz "Anti Cables" ( very good match with Klipsch ) and you in business....For very little money to boot!
From what I've read, the Forte2's are the way to go.

Also go to Best Buy and check out a few models in the newer Klipsch reference series. The smaller bookshelves (much smaller than Klipsch legacy) start at about 300 a pair and sounded pretty good when I heard them.
I'd recommend that you investigate inexpensive tubed integrated amplifiers if you are interested in a pair of Klipsch Heritage series speakers. I don't own the newer series, but do have Klipsch Chorus and Quartet speakers in my home and they have both sounded at their best with my EL84 amplifier. Better than with any of the receivers that I have borrowed from friends. For a specifiec recommendation, try a JoLida JD-102B.