Would classic klipsch work here?

I'm going to be getting a Denon AVR 1708, and of course quality cables and what not. The thing is I don't know what speakers I should get. I was thinking a lot the lines of Klispch Cornwalls or Heresys, but their a tad expensive, and I'm not sure if they're what I'm looking for. What I need is a speeker, that sounds good with louder music, like hard rock and metal (I listen primarily to bands like System of a down, Children of Bodom, Slipknot, etc.), and it needs to sound good at high and low volumes. So should I just get more money and get cornwalls, or would you recommend something else?
Wireless, why 90's or newer? Is it the age (not a problem) or the new design midrange horn in teh Forte and Chorous?

If it is teh age, a simple replacement of crossover caps is all that it takes. I have had severla pairs of Klispch speakers and they were all early 80's and older. No problems at all with the age.
Also something to add, I'm 16, so these will being my bedroom, which is the size of a small dorm. Then afterwords I'll be going to collage, living in a real door, then once I graduate I'll probably live in a apartment, until I actually made enough money for something bigger, at which time I will probably have the money for newer, bigger speakers. So Which would sound the best, without overpowering a dorm sized room?
Go to Best Buy and listen to a pair of Klipsch RB-51s or something similar before you do anything else. They are not too expensive, very compact to match your quarters, and sound very good.
Wireless, why 90's or newer? Is it the age (not a problem) or the new design midrange horn in teh Forte and Chorous?

Tigerwoodkhorns, I'm saying buy Klipsch that were made before the 90s. I'm a Klipsch fan and bought several of their reference systems of the 90s and 2000s. I didn't care for them. They compromised in every way. You can take one look at the cabinents and see it. I like the heritage and some of the 80s stuff. I've owned about 5 pair of Klispch. Didn't like anything by I purchased in the last 18 years. Personally I think they sound good stock. You just have to watch the amp and source.