Theta Miles owners: Using preamp or direct?

Anyone using a Theta Miles cd player? If so, are you using a preamp, or direct via analog volume? I have about $550 max to spend on a power source and I'm trying to figure out if I can get the best sound using the Miles direct into an amp, or would it sound better using a preamp? If going the preamo route, I'm thinking of integrated amps. Anyone have any opinions on the Acurus DIA100? If amp direct, I have a AR Multi 2 I'm going to audition from a friend. Another member here recommended a Muse Model 100.
"I have about $550 max to spend on a power source"

I would just buy a poweramp and use the volume on the Theta. For $550, I don't think you'll find something that sounds better.
I agree. The only reason to use a pre with the Miles is if you have other sources to switch. The Miles was a great CDP!

Hi Jsbach1685

Your Theta Miles has a very nice low 50ohms output impedance plus 4v from the rca output, or 8v from the balanced
This means it will drive any poweramp direct no trouble at all from either output.

So save your money and use it direct into any poweramp of your choice as it is a perfect match.

By adding an active preamp or integrated amp into the mix you will have too much gain problems plus added colourations.

Cheers George