Which? Muse model 100 amp or Acurus DIA100 integrated?

Which one would sound best with Theta Miles cd player and NHT VT-1.2 speakers? Speaker cable and interconnects is Mogami custom by 10 Audio. I would use the Miles direct with the Muse, and the Acurus is an integrated. Heard great things about both pieces; just looking for opinions on which would be best together with my other gear.

For me personally, I would go with the Muse. But that doesn't mean you would prefer the same thing I do.
Also, keep in mind that the whole point of using the Theta's volume control is to eliminate the need for a line stage. Even though most would agree that the Muse is the better sounding of the 2 amps, not running the signal through the line stage on the Acurus will make an even bigger difference.