If money is not a problem

What speakers would you buy if you had unlimited funds?
If money is not a problem, what brand of speakers would not be MY problem either. I would pay whatever to bring Preservation Hall Jazz Band to my mega-mansion for an exclusive, private performance. Then I would check with my publicist to see if she can book Michael Bolton at http://www.grabow.biz/Contemporary/MichaelBolton.htm.

Of course, the sound engineers that come with these packages can bi-amp their mega-wattage PA speakers for me. I wouldn't really care about THD or codecs, because in the end, it's only music.
I'd simply choose a talent to design and build the spkrs for me to my specs. I know what I want, I just don't know how to do all of it and can't afford what I DO know...
Tidal T1 system - I guess that choice may be considered an acclamation for my present Contrivas - and I'd bring in Thomas Fast to treat the room.
Cables probably Argento Audio Serenity Master Reference or Virtual Dynamics Genesis or Stealth Dream + Dream Bass (I would have to audition all of these plus a few more, of course)

As a second system perhaps Black Forest "Helix To Heaven" + "Mammut C" for the kick of a full range system.

And to accompany watching the occasional movie a 7.0 Klipschorn system :^)
I just heard the Scaena loudspeakers with dCS Scarlotti, Nordost Odin cabling, and both VTL Siegfried and Wyred4Sound SX 250S. WOW! See Golden Ear Rewards in last issue of TAS.