Vandersteen 2CE's

I am looking at purchasing a pair of used 2CE's and was wondering if I can use any of the equipment I have, or should I be looking for a new amp setup? And if so, seperates or integrated?

I have a Rotel RB-985 MKII and a Sony TA-E9000es that was previously used with the Rotel.

This is my first step up so any suggestions would be most appreciated.
Keep an eye out for a well priced McCormack DNA-1 amp or one of it's incarnations.These amps put out about 175W/ch.Have heard this combo and it is very good.
100 WPC will drive them fine if the room is not too large.
More power is, of course, usually better. I don't think 200 watts is essential unless you play them really, really loud.
You should be OK with the Rotel. In my experience, they seem to like more power, and quality power (McCormack).
A McCormack DNA 125 is just the ticket for your Vandy's! Reasonably priced and just a superb match for those speakers.
Something not mentioned about the 2Ces yet is how critical proper set up is. When you get them take your time and experiment with placement, toe in, and most important in my experience, tilt angle. Those speakers can go from nice to exceptional with correct positioning. Enjoy.