Thinking of upgrading speakers, any suggestions?

What I look for is tonal accuracy, open and clear midrange and dynamics, as I feel these are the most important parameters that can give you impression of live sound, in other words a reproduced sound of live unamplified instrument is as real as possible, in all harmonic richness.
You know, kind of thing you hear from a nearby bar while walking down the street, you do not have to walk in to know there is a live band inside playing with no help of electronics.
Presently I own PMC IB2, and I am wondering if there is anything better in a range of up to 10K used / 15K new, if I can take it up a notch?
So far I have not heard anything better that impressed me to the point where I would be willing to make a purchase.
A few examples of sound I do not like at all, what comes out of any Sonus Faber (too dark and dull), any planar/static speakers (no dynamics), and any B&W (that midrange is giving me headaches, not to mention the rest), so anything that sounds like these is not my thing (and to make it clear, I do not want to get into pissing contest about speakers, I am merely expressing my preferences, so no hard feelings please from those that own speakers I mentioned as not likable).
What came close to but overall not better than what I have now is Avalon (up to and including ISIS), lacked a bit of dynamic freedom.
This is all obviously based on my limited exposure to the sound of speakers mentioned, but they simply failed to capture my attention, did not have that ultimate “live” factor.
Has anyone heard IB2s along with something else that may represent clear performance improvement?
Sasha, first thing first.
Rest of your gear, room, etc.
Speakers are only part of the system.....that is why it is called the system. Room, amplfication.......first.


I have not heard the IB2's but I have heard the others you don't care for. I am not sure what size your room is but based on the sonics you are looking for and your price range I would suggest Von Schweikert's VR4SR MK2 (fairly large) or Unifield 3 (smaller). IMHO they sound like live music rather than HIFI. You might want to check them out.

Blessings, Bob
you just described my Audio Note E speakers

very open and dynamic with pure tone
"What came close to but overall not better than what I have now is Avalon (up to and including ISIS), lacked a bit of dynamic freedom."

Based on the above (ISIS too? - really?), either stick with what you have or plan to spend a lot more, IMHO.