Thinking of upgrading speakers, any suggestions?

What I look for is tonal accuracy, open and clear midrange and dynamics, as I feel these are the most important parameters that can give you impression of live sound, in other words a reproduced sound of live unamplified instrument is as real as possible, in all harmonic richness.
You know, kind of thing you hear from a nearby bar while walking down the street, you do not have to walk in to know there is a live band inside playing with no help of electronics.
Presently I own PMC IB2, and I am wondering if there is anything better in a range of up to 10K used / 15K new, if I can take it up a notch?
So far I have not heard anything better that impressed me to the point where I would be willing to make a purchase.
A few examples of sound I do not like at all, what comes out of any Sonus Faber (too dark and dull), any planar/static speakers (no dynamics), and any B&W (that midrange is giving me headaches, not to mention the rest), so anything that sounds like these is not my thing (and to make it clear, I do not want to get into pissing contest about speakers, I am merely expressing my preferences, so no hard feelings please from those that own speakers I mentioned as not likable).
What came close to but overall not better than what I have now is Avalon (up to and including ISIS), lacked a bit of dynamic freedom.
This is all obviously based on my limited exposure to the sound of speakers mentioned, but they simply failed to capture my attention, did not have that ultimate “live” factor.
Has anyone heard IB2s along with something else that may represent clear performance improvement?
07-05-08: Shadorne
Oh one thing - if you want that "live factor" then you can pretty much forget everything in dynamic speakers except ATC, PMC and Genelecs. Forget about panels too.

What a lame statement!
if you are looking for speakers that have dynamics like live performance, clean clear midrange, and "you are there" presence with excellent transient response and low intermodulation and harmonic distoration, i would surely recommend a pair of jbl 4430 or 4435 or even a pair of 4425 (if you would prefer smaller) studio monitors. i have listened to these studio monitors for 20 yrs and they also sound excellent at low volume.. with these speakers you can choose any level of from soft to rock concert and the microdynamics are excellent depsite all the untruths the audiomagazines spew.
Seems like there are no such a speakers ......according to some.
There is a pair of SP Tech Revelation MK III with Mundorf crossovers for 10K delivered.


Vandersteen 5A and Emerald Physics with seperate dedicated subs (X2) for dynamics out of this World.

Good luck on your quest

From your perspective, how do “hi-fi” manufacturers with some professional monitor pedigree fare in comparison with ATC/PMC, for example Focal and Wilson Audio?

If you are talking dynamic Hi-Fi speakers and panels They are generally extremely competitive for high quality sound - depending on your tastes a Hi-Fi speaker may sound better or worse than ATC/PMC. So like all speakers it is a matter of choice/taste.

What they generally all cannot do is to handle SPL's much above 100 db SPL at the listening position (2 meters back) - peaks get compressed and transients are tamed - if you push them then most will tend to sound dull, boomy, congested or strained.

As I mentioned - if you want the "live factor" (which I take to mean as you defined it - live sound from a rock band with a drummer from a bar) then you need big horns or you need to be extremely selective in terms of dynamic speakers.

Anyway I don't expect many people get it - it isn't often you hear live kind of sound from home speakers - so most people are used to accepting that you can never achieve this realism at home. Some call this kind of sound "PA sound" to distinguish it from the rich, refined and often warm sound you get from many excellent Hi-Fi speakers. These people positively dislike this kind of sound and will say it is fatiguing and unpleasant and makes their ears bleed. So it is not for everyone.

I would add that it takes a good uncompressed recording and, unfortunately, many modern hypercompressed CD's will be terribly fatiguing at loud levels - this is because of "CD Loudness Wars".

I think you should check out some good horns - it might be the ticket. ATC and PMC are NOT the only option but there are only very limited "dynamic speakers" that will do what you seem to be looking for (live band in a bar levels).

If you can - please check out the first track from Shefield Labs drum track CD with a radioshack meter at your listening position and let me know at what SPL they start to sound strained. As I said before - I'm not really sure that you can really benefit much from a change - only you can decide if need to go a bit louder effortlessly - although it would help me to know what you are getting on drum crescendos and on peak hard hits before your PMC's sound strained. (If you can get 112 to 115 db SPL on the hardest hits and everything sounds fine and clean then for me that would be enough as an acoustic drum set cannot do more than this if you were to stand close to it)

Undoubtedly, some people will take my comments out of context to imply there are no other dynamic speakers that sound good - that was not my intention - perhaps this post will clarify - I mean't what most people would call extremely loud "the live factor" - the reason you can hear the band playing from the other side of the street from inside the bar.
Check out Vandersteen 5A's . They are very musical, can be adjusted to your room for best interface, and a steal at the price.