Stuck on cabinet color

I know the loudspeaker (floor stander) I'm getting but I can't believe I'm actually stuck on the color choices offered.

I'm leaning on the "Bird's Eye Maple" which is extra, but am curious how many of you folks have chose maple with your purchase and how well it worked out over the years with furniture changes/additions etc...

I've always gone with cherry so my rack will be impacted with the mismatch but I like the light wood...
Omigod!! I know. I get a headache thinking about matching colors. Wood is sooooo tricky.
Perhaps your dealer can recommend an interior designer or a color consultant. Don't overlook the Feng Shui implications.
And astrology should always be consulted.
It's so hard to know if this maple mood is for real or just a passing fancy. What if 2 years from now you're just all teak or oak or cypress?
Get a manicure and a facial and think it over some more. You just have to relax in order to choose confidently.
Have you thought about emailing Oprah?
If you can't decide, maple is an excellent choice. Because the light colour is neutral, it goes with everything colourwise. Stylewise, it looks better with modern or transitional furnishings. It can look out of place with antique style furnishings that have a richer, deeper wood colour. The bird's eye is maple particularly striking. High WAF if that is a consideration for you.

I have cherry speakers. My rack, however, is rosewood. The two look absolutely horrible together.

Looking good is important if you have your rig in the living room and a significant other who must also be happy. Not all audiophiles keep their rigs in damp, dark basements where they can listen in solitude with nothing to disturb them except the whirring of the propellors on their beanies.
Light colors on floorstanders make them conspicuous - not a good idea. Dark colours are much more popular if you ever need to sell it. Dark colors will match more things that light colors.
Macrojack: I laughed on AudioGon for the first time in two years because of your post. This is almost like having Slappy back!
Shadorne - I'm trying to convince myself that your opening statement is not true but I can't... I really like the light color but for exactly the reasons you stated (conspicuous and resale value plus it's more money) I'm thinking you're right...