Art Dudley's Audio Note AN-E SPe He Speakers

Has anyone elso heard these speakers that Art favorably reviewed in August's Stereophile and what are your impressions?
Actually Art did review the SPe/HE in the new August issue of Stereophile, and quite favorably I must say. He said that he liked them better than the LX Signatures, but he admits that he has changed out a lot of things in his system since he reviewed them and for the better. He also admits that it was over 2 years ago since his LX Signature review and that his memory of what they were like may be dusty.

I heard the SPe HE being driven by all AN equipment last year at RMAF. And for the money they are by far the best sounding AN-E I have heard. However, using the same gear any of the AN speakers with the external crossovers, including the LX Signatures will rocket past the SPe HE in terms of refinement, midrange pureness, and low frequency definition and energy.
I, too, would like to hear them. Art sure likes them, although he was a lowther freak for a while. Glory, look to the follow-up Art did in the august issue, those are the E/SPe's. My friends are telling me they're polite, with a much more detached soundstage than the shahinian arcs i'm using now. I love the arcs, just checking to see if either the AN spe/he's or harbeth hls5's would be a step up. I hope to make it to RMAF, sounds like lots to hear.
>AN will have their high end gear at RMAF.

Last year they showed with relatively modest stuff. The year before, it was all super pricey. The house sound is consistent, though, and I liked last year's modest system enough (as much as the year before, actually) to convince me that AN could work for me. Unfortunately, I can't accommodate corner placement.
shahians rule if your tastes run to big music(orhestra etc)....the AN's won't be a step up
The Aug. issue has a review of AN E/SPe HE in it? It's not even Aug. yet. You guys are one up on me.

Off to B&N to read up on my next AN speaker I will buy, but first some lucky member has to buy my AN J/SPe speakers.

As usual Footsurg's speakers/gear will "rocket past" my new E/SPe HE speakers. =8^)