Art Dudley's Audio Note AN-E SPe He Speakers

Has anyone elso heard these speakers that Art favorably reviewed in August's Stereophile and what are your impressions?

My comments stem strictly from direct listening to both speakers on all AN gear. No malice intended! I have never had a pair of SPe/HE's in my home or in my system, and all my listening on them was done in the imperfect enviorment of RFAF. That I must admit, but I do remember well the character of speakers because I intended to buy a pair until a pair of LX Signatures crossed my path! That should tell you that I am quite fond of the SPe/HE indeed!
I recently heard at great length the very pair of AN speakers that Art had on review in his home at the Audio Karma Fest this spring in the Detroit area. First off, both Art and I have been long time Linn Sondek Lp12 owners (mine since 1982) and I agree with him on far to many issues concerning Hifi, source, and more importantly music. So it would come as no surprise that I am considering the Audio Notes on my short list because they do so many things right in their portrayal of live acoustic music. To my ear, this is more important and satisfying than a majority of other incomplete audiophile attributes associated with some of the current “best of” speakers being reviewed today.

A couple of problems though with AN. My listening session at AK Fest did not come from a vinyl source, due to the fact that AN’s turntable was on the frits, the digital sound was good but, not an excellent source. There are few venues in the U.S., if any, to audition the expensive variants of this speaker. That is a huge issue. IMHO I must have the opportunity to hear speakers matched to amps of my choice, or I wouldn't even consider such a purchase. AudioGon and our Hifi community is riddled with the mistakes of folks not pairing speakers with amps before purchase. I for one cannot afford to be so arbitrary, some can. Time has taught me that synergy in a system creates a greater result musically than having just the "best" component for each individual need, obviously. I also have concerns given that I have never found a smallish two-way that has ever satisfied my need for authentic bottom end dynamics in the overall balance of sound. The AN though comes closer than anything I can recall for such a compact, room friendly, high efficiency, speaker.

In my pursuit for very high efficiency speakers and smaller wattage, simpler circuit, power amplification, Audio Note AN-E SPe HE is looking better and better. LOL

Happy Listening!
I am also considering the Audio Note speakers. I have a couple of questions for the AN intellegencia. What is the comporable less effecient speaker in the AN line to the E SPe HE's? What amp and pre would be a good ballanced match for the SPe HE?

I currently have a 30 watt ARS Sonum integrated amp that I am quite fond of. I am pondering two scenarios. One is to get the less effecient AN speaker and live happily ever after. The other is to go with the E SPe HE's and get by with the current system until I drink the AN Koolaide and go all AN with SE low watt down the road.

Any insights would be appreciated.

AN up for this thread.
I have at home since few weeks a pair of AN E SPe HE (with the new hemp woofer) and it's a wonderful speaker. Fast, rich, natural and very dynamic. Low level is better than with non HE and you can play louder than before.

Most of the time, I really appreciate Audio Note products and between them, I appreciate more these HE speakers.

