Good budget sub for music?

Hello Audiogoners, looking for advice on a sub purchase

I want to spend no more than $500 new or used. Sub is just for two-channel music. I prefer musicality and accuracy to deep bass. I most likely want a front-firing sub. One question I have is about sealed vs ported--sealed seems better from what I've read so far.

I have an external crossover and will use the sub in a bi-amp arrangement with an NAD c320bee amp, where NAD gets nothing above 80Hz (I need line-level inputs). Speakers are the Ed Frias-designed AR.COM kit, with 6.5 inch Peerless woofers.

All suggestions appreciated!
Rel Q Series or a REL Storm III if your budget will allow. Very easy to integrate, very musical. The Q's won't take you to the bottom octaves, but are a very nice, fast, musical sub which it sounds like what you are looking for. I don't know your speakers, so I can say whether the Rel subs will be the right speed for them, but if you are crossing over at 80, you should be fine.
DIY is your best option. I'd suggest one of these 308SWR51XXLS or 268SWR5XXLS woofers from Peerless and a heavily braced sealed birch wood box - appropriately sized of course - for example the 308 works with 2.6 cu ft in a sealed configuration ( I'd also stay away from reflex or passive radiators if you like high quality musical transient response).

You can get the whole shebang here for less than 500 bucks

This indeed will outperform most all subwoofers on the market - but you'll have some work to do. I'd go for the damped pulp paper cones that Solen suggest over the metal/aluminium unless you are willing to risk audible out of band ringing noise from the bell-like tendencies of a metal driver...remember metal only looks cool...and you are not going to enjoy your precious midrange if the sub is audibly ringing...

This will work well with your Peerless woofer/midrange. Bracing the box internally will be very important - you don't want cabinet waffle. Good Luck. And don't ask me details aboiut woodwork - I am not retired yet and simply don't have time for this - one day perhaps...