Good budget sub for music?

Hello Audiogoners, looking for advice on a sub purchase

I want to spend no more than $500 new or used. Sub is just for two-channel music. I prefer musicality and accuracy to deep bass. I most likely want a front-firing sub. One question I have is about sealed vs ported--sealed seems better from what I've read so far.

I have an external crossover and will use the sub in a bi-amp arrangement with an NAD c320bee amp, where NAD gets nothing above 80Hz (I need line-level inputs). Speakers are the Ed Frias-designed AR.COM kit, with 6.5 inch Peerless woofers.

All suggestions appreciated!
Thanks for all the suggestions! I don't know anything about Mirage--will look into it. Cleaneduphippy, that's a great idea, I look forward to hearing what Ed Frias has to say.
Vandersteen - Used - Look up the specs on their website and buy the one that is designed for music and not home theater. Considered the most musical cheap sub.
Look at the Martin Logan Dynamo. Small footprint, sealed enclosure and it can be switched between front or downward firing. Very nice little sub.
I agree with the poster who said that your request is an Oxymoron. The qualities of a good sub that makes it capable of integrating seamlessly into a music only system are qualities that do not come cheaply. Adding a sub and intergrating a sub are two different things. Finding a sub that blends with your main speakers without drawing attention to itself is difficult to find...even for subs beyond your budget. I also agree with the poster who recommended the REL Storm III. I use that sub in a 2 channel system and have had success blending it with two separate sets of speakers. The REL Strata would also be one to consider. You might be able to find a used one closer to your budget. A subwoofer not only interacts with the main speakers but also interacts with your room in some pretty significant and sometime unpredictable ways. For this reason I would stongly recommend auditioning them in your home before making a purchase. Good Luck.
Here's what Ed Frias (the designer of the speaker) has to say:

"I sell a pretty decent 400watt JBL sub that my customers seem to enjoy, but you can also buy a 300watt kit from Parts Express that others seem to rave about."

Anyway, here's a link to contact Ed Frias directly -