
I've been running Verity Parsifal Encores for some time now. I love the speakers, but have been wondering what I can do to take them to the next level of completeness. The obvious is enhancing bass, but I don't want to detract from the rest of the wonderful speaker (IMO). Has anyone mated a sub to these speakers? How? What are your thoughts and opinions on doing this?

I can either spend some $$$ and get the Sarastros, or I can add a sub and see how she goes... Let me know your thoughts, advice or experienced opinion.

I have Shindo Corton Charlemagne 80 amps, Shindo Masseto pre, a Levinson 390S CD, and TW Acustic Raven AC TT.

Many thanks!
Hi Dave_b
the Current Web_site has not carried Users' Manual of
Parsifal Encore, nor they have those detailed Users' manual
on web, they only accompanied packing.

I have looked up my User Manual, the file was dated
July 2001, and there was one whole page explaining
the fine, detailed, fast, sensitiveness of the drivers.
and also one page with Heading
" Using Low Power Tube Amplication "
I quoted " ...mid-sensitivity 89db @ 1W @ 1 meter.....
In an average room of 1500 cubic ft., 10 watts of amplication could get 94 db SPL. which is the time-average
spectra level for a theatre organ or a bass drum. For those who enjoy realistic playback levels, it is normally

"We took special care to makethe low frequency impedance-curve more easy to drive for low-power amprefiers. the lowest impedance presented by the P/encore is it DC resistance of 4.0 ohms; at its tuning frequency of 30HZ and up to 100Hz the mean impedance is bout 65. ohms, having the lowest point at 4.0ohms..... the monitor, when used a lone, at nominal impedance of 8.0 ohms, out design
is to adjust the overall frequency balance. typically , a good setup could use as little as a 20-watt amplifier in an average or lively listening room of 2,000 cu.ft."
we tried several low-power amplifier with Parsifal and
got very good result "

Hi Hatari
my room is (ft) 25 x 15 x 9 H,but I am placing the Parsifal
Back-firing at the longer wall... , not near to the side wall atl all ; actually Low bass is
less than with tehm against the shorter wall..nearer to the side wall.
I am well familiar with the Fibonacci's nos. applied in too many aspects of life, so they are just 59 inches (
membrance of mid/tweeter to rear wall ).

I repeated, friends using much more power Amps than mine
mine more higher grade ( & size ) speakers than Parsifal
has come and listen... for the parsifal as well as the
"legendary" Siltech /emperor G6 Satt Jumpers I used on them
none of them has claimed the parsifal played with my
"average" quality in their mind, Canary CA303 mono-block
300B power amp (only 26 watt )lack of any bass , at folk, rock, large scale symphonies.
Hi Gundam91

are U using BDR Mk4 cones on the woofer units of
Parsifal, with "screw-rod" they supply ??
and with BDR " pits" the exact name I forgot, benneath ???

If you have proved them o.K. I may add those too.

I am using 3 BDR Mk 4 cones under each speaker. They won't fit into the screw-rod. So, they are just sitting under neath the speakers. I just went to the hardware store and bought these metal screw covers for the screw-rods, so they won't damage the hardwood floor when I change footers.

I had used them when I first got the speakers over a year ago. Few months ago, I thought I would try the stock feet. The stock feet turned out to be not as focused and bass was not as tight. I listend to them for a few weeks, then switch back to the BDR Mk 4, and was amazed.

I have not tried anything else. I had these sitting around, so I tried them, and they are fairly inexpensive. If you don't like them, you can always sell them fairly fast.


Having the separate-units placed, I worry a little the safety if the cones are just placed underneath, espically only 3 pcs , but with 4, one must use screwing post to adj.

I have been using the Brass foot supplied by Verity, to protect the floor from their fine Pointed tips, I had tried
with Woods like ebony & padouk 3-4 inches squares, but later I used "Linn" skeet(s), the sound was O.K., and the
holes of those skeet are best fit for those pointed tips
that they can sit so firmly and tightly so that moving slightly the speakers need no extra effort.

I may try the BDR cones, if I check there is screw-post both fitting the woofers of Parsifal and the cones.

thanks for your input.
Hi, all of you
Please accept my poor english as well as my typing skill

on previous post of Parsifal's manual

" amplication" sh be amplification
" a nominal impedance of 8.0 Ohms, OUR design
( not " out design " )
tehm sh be " them" in " with them standing agains the
shorter wall.... may be too many mistakes
not to post, is better !!!!!!!!!