Best amps 15000$ for Avalon Indra

What would the best amp, mono blocs or stereo, be under 15k$ for these speakers?

McIntosh 2301 (tubes mono blocks) if you can get them used
McIntosh MC275 (run in mono with Gold Lion KT88s)
Hello Timnaim,

May I recommend an audition of the BAT 150se mono-blocks. I'm using them with Eidolon Diamonds and the sound is just magic. I think you can find them used in the 9k-10k range.
I wish you well in your search.

Ceramic speakers always worked best with tube amps, I loved Einstein OTL monoblocks on the Marten Coltrane.
But for the Avalons I would suggest DMC 15 and DMA 250.
I pulled the trigger on Atmasphere with Avalon as well. This is based on several sources of info. I've got the amps, but still waiting for speaker delivery.

Best of luck,