Hey Audiogon how about a DIY/Horn section?

Any other Audiogon members out there who would like to see a section just for the DIY'er/Horn/Quirky/eccentric type of gear? I for one would.
What say you?
I'd love it. Lowthers, and AER's and weird stuff that'ed never get past eitehr wives or bean counters, like my $600 (parts cost only) volume control and Nelson Pass' more ecentric designs that are just perfect for all 20-30 people who can use them! (Got one). Maybe not as hard core (spelled c-h-e-a-p)as some in Audio Asylum's DIY section, but if that's what is takes to get us propeller head, single-driver, horn, skinny solid wire, flat earthers together, tee it up!!
Great idea, Gawdbless! And perhaps to go along with it, maybe a category for buying and selling raw parts - tubes, drivers, horns, transformers, plate amps, enclosures, stuff like that.

I like it too. But to be clear, you're not suggesting one new category for DIY and Horns together are you? Rather, one for each?

I also like the raw parts idea.
Fellow quirkies, Audiogon as we all know has a section headed just 'speakers' that covers everything, whilst I do read many threads the vast majority of threads are to do with sealed unit speakers and that does not particular interest me greatly. I would be happy with a section which encapsulates the types of speakers etc that I have mentioned above, and any other types I have not mentioned.
Anyone know how we can get the ball rolling on this?
We maybe peeing into the wind here, but it's worth a shot I think, and so do you guys!