What fits well with Magnepans?

I just bought a set of 1.6QR's and was thinking about a
Bat V3i preamp
Mccormack DNA 125 or Pass Labs 150 amp
Ayer or Bryston cd player

Are these good choices, or is there something that blows these away and what do you use?
I have 1.6 QR's driven by McCormack DNA-1 deluxe monoblocks. Prior to the monoblocks, I used a DNA 0.5. Based on my experience, I think you will do well to head the conventional wisdom on Maggies. More power will take them to a whole different level. There have been numerous posts on amplification for Maggies. The current generation of Pass (250 or 350), McCormack (DNA 500), Spectron, Bryston, and Cary (500 MBs) amps all appear to have a following. Great speakers! You will enjoy them.
Find a used Innersound ESL amp. It's a great match for your speakers, look up some of the reviews. I used one with both 1.6qrs and 3.6R's and it's a rocking amp.

Also, not easy to find but the Parasound 3500 (or a 2200) is a great powerful amp for Maggies.

Blow off the CD/DVD player and buy a good usb DAC to decode from a Duet/AppleTV or just your computer, you won't be sorry.
Oh yeah I forgot to add, I have not heard them, but I understand the Wyred4Sound and ICE H2O amps are both great matches as well.