Best Inexpensive Subwoofer

SVS, HSU, Outlaw Audio, Aperion are some of the current manufacturers of fairly inexpensive subs.

I'd like to get a consensus on what AGon'ers think is the best of these subs.
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I'm using a PAIR of SPLR 8" subs ($600 per) to generate total output somewhat higher than 95 db max. There are too many variables for me to comfortably calculate an equivalent between my room and the tests you linked to, but I'm very confident that my results include distortion equivalent to the much lower output levels (they got 2% at 80db 40hz in the test) they acheived using a single sub.

The real point of the SPLR 8" vs the SPLR 15" is that the same vendor wants $1600 for the latter. Three smaller 8" subs offer just under the total radiating are of the single 15" sub (if my math is right) and my guess is that distortion levels are slightly (i.e. proportionately)higher.

You pay a $200 premium for very nearly the same performance (more accurately, slightly inferior distortion per given spl) and greatly increased placement flexibility which, in the end, may very likely allow the 3 smaller subs to outperform the larger one.

I don't know the SVS sub, but there's no denying that this is great performance for the money. In the right room, I imagine that it's hard to beat. But don't underestimate the value of placement flexibility, especially if your room is a tough one.


PS - I've read many of your posts to other threads, supporting the large woofer side of the argument. They always seem well thought out and clearly stated. I don't know how you feel about multiple small subs to effect the same radiating surface as a single large sub. I'm sure that I have less experience than you do - this post reults from a single month of very intensive work with the 2 SPLR 8s and the SMS-1. I'd love to hear your take on a pair 8" subs vs a single 11" sub of similar design.

HSU has a wireless (RF) sub out now. The convenience factor is too good to pass up, as well as being a sealed design for more accurate bass.

This is probably the one I'll go with.