Gallo Ref 3.1 vs PSB Synchrony One

I currently own the Synchrony but recently had a very brief listen to the Ref 3.1 at the RMAF. Can't get the sound out of my mind now and have set up an appointment to audition the Gallos next week.

Anybody have the chance to do a head-to-head? Would love to hear your impressions!

Relevant details: Front end is a PS Audio GCC 100 with a Marantz SACD player. Room is medium sized and typical music is Jazz, classic rock, female vocals.

I have the Gallo 3.1's and love them. I have never listened to the PSB's.

Regarding your front end equipment the Gallo's do like power.
Bostonbean, well maybe. I've run mine on 12wpc SET monoblocks (granted, with huge transformers) for more than 4 years and have never felt the need for more juice. This is in an 18 x 40' room.
Bostonbean, yes, I should have mentioned that. Sorry. I didn't use it for the first couple of years I had the Gallos, though, and hear no difference unless there's some really low bass present on the musical source material. Dave
Dopogue, Interesting and I am glad to hear the SET's are working for you. Here is an interesting quote from Mr. Gallo himself which I ripped from 6Moons. "As Srajan noted in his review, his 8wpc push/pull MiniMax tube amp can drive the Ref3s to satisfying levels but it certainly loses out in bass control. The high-current ICEpower amps he's currently reviewing or the high-power Spectron digital amp I've been using are true champs in that regard. This is a reminder that it's perhaps more important to first find the best amplifier for the full-range input of the Ref3s without relying too much on the bass augmentation amp to address certain performance parameters."