Please recommend a top-notch bookshlef speaker

I am losing my battle to keep my brand new Paradigm Studio 60s, because of limited placement options. I would sell them if I can find a pair of excellent bookshelf speakers for 2-channel music. I would add a sub as well.
A book shelf would give me more placement options and not violate the wife's insistence that I am not to cut any holes in the walls or cabinets.

Can anyone recommend anything?

A speaker that rarely gets much mention, but offers excellent performance, is the Sequerra MET 7.7. The speaker is designed and made by Richard Sequerra, probably best known for this high-end tuner some years ago. The speaker is now offered in both a standard model and a self-amplified model. I owned a pair of MET 7's for a number of years and sold them quite reluctantly. Here is the link to Sequerra's web site:
I am surprise nobody mentioned the LS3/5A or the LS3/5A V2. The former is no longer in production but you can get the V2 from Stirling Broadcast. Add a sub like the AB1 and you are in audio nirvana.
Look for a pair of used/demo Allison 4's - I found a pair of mint demos. The beauty of them is that they are designed to be used against a wall. Otherwise, North Creek Kitty Kats, also designed to be used against the wall.
ATC's, I moved to a pair of SCM-12s recently and have them close to the wall with no ill-effect (sealed design). Oh and by the way they ROCK!