Help me get the most out of my Merlin TSM MX

I have had these incredible monitors for over a year and I am still enamoured with there balance and refinement. I am going to sell off my second system that doesn't get used anymore and I want to put the funds into the Merlin system. I should have $1000 to spend.
My current system is as follows: Merlin TSM MX on Skylan stands,DIY parts express sub with Behringer feedback destroyer for room eq, speaker wire is Monster M-series CX2( Paul Speltz Anti-Cables on the way), Cayin A 50-T 35watt el34 integratedwith a Virtual Dynamics power cord, Harmonic Technology Truthlink ic,Macbook Pro,Apogee Duet Dac. I use this in conjunction with a HT setup so I can control the sub via Ht remote from the B&K AVR 202.
I am not sure which direction to go. Do I get the "e" upgrade done by Bobby? Do I replace the Cayin with another integrated in the $1700 range Or get into separates? There is nothing that I don't like about my current system. I just want to take it to the next level of performance. I am not interested in a cd player. These monitors are capable in reference systems and that is why I bought them to build my system around. I might move up to the VSM one day so I want my components to be in place if/when that day comes.
Thank you for your opinions!
BTW Bob, I'm using Cardas Neutral Reference speaker cables. Another A'Goner I know asked Bobby P what he thought of the anti-cables with Merlins & the word "truncated" came up regarding the mid range. I did not truly understand what this meant until I tried the Neutral Ref for myself. Truncated is an ugly word & it's even uglier sounding.
Good luck, Will
I think before coming up with a good plan of attack, you are going to have to identify the weaknesses in the results of your system.

What about the sound that you're getting would you like to improve?
Thank you for the responses. The anti cables that I have coming are a double run (not bi-wired). Apparently this helps with frequencies from the mid-range down or so the seller says. They are worth a try for the money. I see other merlin users with them in their system so I'll see if they float my boat. If not, I will try the Cardas Golden Reference speaker cables and ic's. I had a great listening session last night and walked away with nothing but smiles, but you know the audiophile thing-- How can I improve on the sound? I might just wait awhile until I have the funds for a top tier integrated like the Ars Sonum for instance. Keep the suggestions coming!
hi rrboogie,
i would get the mod done to the speakers to take them as far as you possibly can. then you can better match other items to them. the cost is incredibly inexpensive for what you get in return. call me at the factory for this discussion. 585 367 2390
a shotgun with the anti cable is not recommended, nor is it with any cable. the speaker is critically designed and you are openning yourself up to more issues by changing the spectral balance point and making the speaker sound leaner. use my lead free jumpers so you see the improvement possible with a single run of the anti to the bass. jumpers on top, lock the nut. then jumpers first to the tweeter and rc on next and lock the nut.
the speaker is the most important part of the system other than perhaps, the room. experience all you can with your system by making the speaker sound as good as it can. maybe you will not want to upgrade anything else. but give yourself the the chance to figure this out first hand.
I was in a similar situation and had consulted with Bobby-
he recommended the lead free upgrade of my TSM's.
The results were amazing-this is an inexpensive upgrade.
It is well worth it.