What is a B&W 801M?

Thought I would get more specific. Pair of B&W 801's I'm looking at are labeled on the plate on the back 801M. Is this a matrix cabinet or a series 80 non matrix ?
Ag insider logo xs@2xstonedeaf
Do they look similar to these?


These are the early matrix cabinets.

I'm not a B&W historian by any means, but I had a friend back in my college days (mid '80s) who had a set. The "Matrix" moniker referred to the construction of the cabinets as there was an internal "Matrix" of bracing to reduce cabinet resonance.
Barry, those in the photo are NOT matrix cabinets. The first 801 with a matrix cabinet was a ported design.
and these?

Yah - these are ported - think they might be first generation Matrix 801s. I remember the matrix cabnet making a big difference in bass and midrange clarity on these.