Recommendations for my less than ideal setup

Due to WAF and other factors, my setup is in a less than ideal location and placement. I would like some advice in making this work.

I have little interest in surround sound. The most important aspect while listening is imaging...I really want a realistic soundstage. I currently have an Outlaw 2250 amp/receiver/whatever and Sony scd555es sacd player. I currently have a pair of System Audio floorstanders (1230's). I'm not particularly fond of these -- I've simply had them for several years (and picked them up for a song). They are a ported design I'm looking to purchase new speakers shortly. In the meantime, I'd like to get the most out of the room. I also plan on adding a subwoofer to the system (as the the outlaw makes this quite easy to do).

The room is fairly large (approx 26x12). Only one end of this room is being used for the media system (10x12). In regards to the system the room opens to the right. The speakers are setup in a near field configuration. They are spaced about 6.5 feet apart and are about 7-8 ft. from the listening position. The back of the speakers 1.5 to 2 feet from the back wall. Between them is a media rack with all the system components and a plasma screen.

The left speaker is quite close to the wall. So I'm going to purchase or make a first order reflection absorption panel. If needed I can also treat the back wall.

I'm looking for a pair of speakers with high WAF, image like crazy (despite the fact there is a stand in between them), and can be placed fairly close the back wall. I'm partial to floorstanders. Bass extension is not super important (and I will augment with a subwoofer). Most designs I've been looking at are ported (totem). Since there is equipment in between the speakers, am I correct in assuming that the ported design is at least partially responsible for the lack of image depth I'm hearing? Would a sealed box design help overcome this limitation?

Could I hear some suggestions as to what speakers others would recommend? I listen to lots of different music but it tends towards rock and jazz. Speaker width is a limiting factor here -- probably no more than 8". I'd be will to spend up to 2k.

I look forward to hearing your suggestions.
Tpsonic gave you a very nice list. Maybe you could add the floorstanding Spendors and the AV123 XStatic speakers to it.
All easy to drive, sound great, WAF-you're on your own.
Have heard all these speakers with the Reference 3As at the top of the list, the AV123 the best bargain. The Reference 3as are also a great bargain but in a far higher pricepoint.
Get any of these speakers and your next problem will be your amplification.
It's a vicious circle.
Sonus Faber, early models, are works of art, musical, easy to drive (smaller models - not Electa Amators or Extremas), will improve with the most expensive electronics and front end you can afford, and get snapped up quickly when they come up for resale. I did a quick search tonight and found the ad below - buy 'em and your search is over. Improve the rest of your system as you can.
Gallo Ref 3.1s. Image like crazy - beyond crazy - more like insane! Huge sweet spot - you won't believe it until you hear it for yourself. Surprisingly, my wife really likes the look w/o the covers on (but she is already taken :)

Your setup and music listening styles are very similar to mine. I am sitting "almost near field" and I swear I have to check to see if the SACD I'm listening to is stereo or surround. As often as not, it turns out to be stereo - and the grins begin. For example, on Heavy Weather, when they hit that that long low synth note about a quarter of the way in - it spreads from one end of the room to the other and around my ears for like a 270 degrees sonic field. Don't know how it happens, but it's glorious.

So if you can get WAF buy-in you'll be happy with a pair of these diminutive (and slim) loud speakers.
I second the Gallo recommendation - huge sweetspot and very good imaging. Don't take up much floor space, either.