
All, there is some info here on some of Daedalus' larger models. Anybody have the DA-RMa monitor? I'm wondering if anyone has experience and any feedback on these.
Having just read the BFS review, I do'nt feel it is critical at all. The problem is, reading Stereophile, TAS or HiFi+, everything is perfect, the best thing since sliced bread. This makes the magazines pretty much useless. I think Marty's review is pretty balanced. He says all speakers, all components are a set of compromises. You can't have everything. He reports the Ulysses emphasises Efficiency and dynamic contrasts, perhaps losing out on base, because of the efficiency and phase coherence. He also says he can't remember such an efficient speaker, able to cope with such high power amplifiers.
From memory, the review is more favourable than the one for the DA-1
And just to round things out, there is a "glowing" review of the Da-Rma's in the current issue of stereotimes.com e-zine.

Regardless of all these reviews, anyone who buys speakers without giving them a long listen first is simply rolling the dice.


Per your 6/22/09 post, I would like to hear your comments regarding the "... differences and value of the different models ..."
